When I Need A Pick Me Up, by my friend Ryan King

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I actually Took A Day Off Today...

(Originally August 26 2005)

...oh no! I'm losing my drive!

No I'm not. Yesterday's two classes were hugely fun. The instructor yesterday had a great personality--real old school, like 1940's style. He had a strange accent that I couldn't place until he said he was from Maine. He also spoke rapidfire and showed evidence of being an awful didactic conversationalist. He interrupted everyone who asked a question with add-ins and addendums, and then finished the question before the asker could, although he had the correct answer everytime. But one FANTASTIC round- robin went like this;

Student: "So one person can't do tha--!"
Teacher: "Two people."
Student: "Yeah, no, so one person can't--!"
Teacher: "Two people."
Student: "That's what I'm saying, only one person can't..."
Teacher "Two people."

And there was another monologue he got caught up in...
"Does anyone know the answer to that question?"
Hands raise.
"Does... anyone know?"
Answers get volunteered aloud. Teach isn't listening, he's searching his pockets.
"Does...anyone know...where my pen is..?"
Answers turn into laughter.
"What the hell is going on..."

So anyway, I can retake the two classes I'm missing today when they come back around. I'm scheduled to take my Real Estate state test on Sept 13th, so I have until then to finish five more classes and take the school test.

No prob.

I went to the counseling practice last night wondering how to tell my clients that I had plans to stop my practice in a month and that we should begin tailoring our sessions towards closure...and then had an amazing night of revelations, insights, improvements, and compliments.

And I remembered how much I love to do this counseling thing, and how good I actually am at it, and how good it feels to do it correctly.

So, I'm going to be a real estate agent until my NY counseling license makes it's casual debut, and then---by that time, when I'ma wildly successful land baron...

I'll do both.

Awww yeah.

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