When I Need A Pick Me Up, by my friend Ryan King

Thursday, May 29, 2008

MT Detroit--And They Lived Happily Ever After

Mike, My Adult Hero, has decided to go offline. His blog began when he was torn apart by doubts and fears from his wife who was giving all the signs of being unfaithful. When it all hit the fan, Mike reached out to we readers for support, and so many came through for him. Tonight, Mike has a new fiancee and a baby on the way. He's no longer "Starting Over"-- He's "Doing"

He asked me to post the following message for him. I think he'll probably read this afterwards, so if you'd like to give him your well wishes, feel free to use this comments section.

Hi guys,

I asked Alan to post this. If you go to my site you will see it is gone. I am leaving blog land for good. That can't be much of a surprise to anyone. I am rarely online anymore. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone of you and what you did for me to get me through the dark times.

I gave B the ring Sunday. She told me it was the best date she has ever had and could ever have. Leading up I told her that we were going to have a day long date, but gave her no clue what that meant. I wrote poetry for each part of the date before hand with a sketch that I drew of rings printed as a background on the paper. The poetry told her what were about to do and how to dress. I also mixed stanzas about how I loved her. Each letter she got had a different ring background progressing towards the final ring.

The first letter she got told her that we would be going to park and to dress casual. I picked her up at 11:00 and we had lunch in the park and fed the extra food to the ducks. After lunch I gave her a letter telling her we were about to get naked with other people. I scheduled a couples massage at a spa. It was really relaxing, and intimate. After the massage was over and the masseuses left the room we made out a bit while getting our clothes on. HOT! We went back home changed into jeans and she got another letter. We drove out to the country for horseback riding. Horseback riding does nothing for me, but she loves horses. The next letter told her she was too dirty and to go home, take a shower, and put a dress on. By then it was dinner time and I drove her to an expensive restaurant. When the meal was done I gave her the last letter. It had the 3D computer image of the ring in the background. It ended with "so look me in the eye and hold that pose, so that I know that it is time propose". When she looked at me I saw a tear. I kneeled down and recited one last poem that I wrote and memorized. I then gave her the ring. She gave me a huge hug and said yes of course. Several tables started clapping. It was fun. After dinner I took her to see a band at a smaller venue. Then home. Sex was sweet that night ... and the next morning.

The baby is doing great. B is 5 months pregnant now and really starting to show. I think she is beautiful even if her butt has grown a bit. We are not sure what to name the baby. I like Riley but it is Irish and neither of us are Irish. B likes Cecilia, but I am not sure about it. B's family is from Argentina so a Hispanic name would fit. What ever name the baby ends up with she should be here October 1st. I am really excited. We have been buying a bunch of pink stuff for the baby!

I am moving in with B in the next month. I have already been packing. I think there may be some challenges B and I must cope with after I move in. The house really isn't big enough for all of my stuff. And it will be a huge change having my 2 kids and my 2 dogs trying to share the space with B and her daughter. B and I will make it through though. I am sure of it.

Jason, and Brandon, or whatever I was calling my kids, are doing great. They seem to be really well adjusted to all this stuff that happened. I haven't had any major issues with them in 6 months at least. They are excited to be moving to B's, and are excited to get a baby girl.

The wedding is set for June of 2009. We will be getting married near an amusement park in Ohio. There will be a bunch of kids at the wedding so we will have a fairly informal fun wedding and reception followed by a water park excursion that day. The next day everyone will explore the roller coaster park. Of course B tells me that if everyone is busy doing that stuff that we can escape to the room and explore each other. We are probably going to honeymoon in Belize. Some of the adventure honeymoons there look awesome!

I am still playing soccer every week. I am actually becoming a very good defender. My team doesn't like when I come off the field because the other team normally doesn't score while I am out there. I am also still mountain biking. Biking is fun! I haven't been running as much. Every time I do I get serious knee pain. In late June I am going to enter a duathalon with trail running and mountain biking. I've been training pretty hard to get ready for it.

My ex is being a complete bitch again. She is hostile about everything these days. I don't like seeing her or talking to her. For the most part I try to forget she exists. I need to get my stuff out of her house. I WANT MY TOOLS BACK! Divorcing her was the best thing I ever did for myself. I wonder sometimes why I waited so long. I really can't say that I wish I never married her. I wouldn't be where I am now if I hadn't. My kids are awesome, B is awesome, and I am very happy.

Well I guess that sums up where I am today. I hope everyone out there in blog land gets there dreams fulfilled! Thank you for being there and supporting me.

... And finally go have some incredible sex tonight ... you deserve it!!!! (no excuses, you can have it with yourself if you have to!)

Rock On!



Determined said...

Oh Mike...I will certainly miss you! It seems like only yesterday I was reading and comparing your sadness to mine!

I'll say goodbye, but I hope you stop by and say hello sometime!

By the way, Alan, that's a great intro!

akakarma said...

What a great pal Alan! MT- haven't known you that long but I wish you the best and have been impressed by how hard you work on making your life the way you want it to be, even in the face of it's whimsicalness. Stay well!

Lara Croft said...

Good luck Mike and I wish you all the best for your wonderful future xx Lara
ps if ya wanna lurk sometime you are more than welcome LOL :-P

GrizzBabe said...

I bet that masseuse thought they would never come out of that room!

Scott said...

I never saw his blog, but I can see that divorce was the right answer in his case. For some reason people stay in marriages sometimes forever, even when they are beyond repair. I think it's the God thing, the promise made at the altar. Some take that so literally, but I think it's a lie so many people tell. Good for your buddy. I wish him all the best.

Me said...

Sol and Karma, can you imagine how honored I was that he asked me to do it? I call him a hero for a reason. He's come so far, and his emotions have always been so honest and so open. How could we not root for him, right? And the SEX! Let's not forget about all that great SEX!! Go MIKE!!

LOL, Grizz! I met you at his blog, didn't I? Another thing I have to be thankful to him for!

So Scott, my heroes are dwindling now. As much as I continue wishing the best for him, I've been feeling the loss since I posted this last night.

Maybe I'm just in a vulnerable spot this week, what with the Match Dot Failures littering the ground behind me. Or maybe I'm comparing myself too much with you guys, who seem to tower over me with interpersonal success (for instance, check out Ned's new woman-adventure! Go NED!!)

Anyway, yeah. Mike will always be in the pantheon of my champions.

Shades of Scorpio said...

I've never met Mike or his blog. But Wow. Talk about Who Knew This kind of Happy Lurked around the corner! Best of luck to him! Don't worry Alan, your heroes may be dwindling but that just might mean that its coming up on your turn to be one for someone else. Lots of comic book panels o' fun!

GrizzBabe said...

No, Alan, we met at what's-her-name's blog. What is her name? Oh, yeah, S!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Mike. But he sounds like a guy who deserves lots of happiness.

On an unrelated note, how do I get a word counter like the one you have near the top of this page for your novel-in-progress? It's a cool feature.

Me said...

James, here's the html for the widget;

img src="http://picometer.writertopia.com/words=249&target=60000"/

You have to bracket the above code with < and >

It's a manual widegt, so you also have to input your own target word amount and current word count in the appropriate spots.