When I Need A Pick Me Up, by my friend Ryan King

Friday, May 9, 2008

Physician Heal Thyself...

So, I called her on Monday. Left a message. She calls me Tuesday, leaves a message. I call last night. Left a message.

Now I post.

Is something a little off-balance here?

If I were my own client, I'd have to say something seems amiss. God in His Heaven knows I'm not a phone junkie. But I want to communicate more than this. Even if she is on a business trip, doesn't she go back to the hotel at night?

And let's not forget that nice two week stretch when she left me hanging in the breeze lamenting my geek reveal (which I shall never lament again).

Long story short, I'm not feeling Match Girl-I quite as much as I did before. Aside from self-doubt and whatever else, isn't it just a bit rude to leave a person hanging for days and not a peep? No email, no nothing?

So. I wrote to a Match Girl II. This one already knows what Adult Swim is.


Tera said...

No, it is in no way right to leave you hanging like that. It almost seems as if she is avoiding you...no one has time for games like that!

Although...she MAY be trying to play hard to get....

Anonymous said...

for me its a little soon to know but I can tell you right now that if I was REALLY SUPER feeling someone, I would have gotten a hold of them by now for sure. UNLESS....she's really been THAT busy? Did you check to see the last time she signed into Match? Are my stalkerish tendencies showing? LOL!!! Couldn't hurt to check into Match II - esp if she likes AquaTeen Hungerforce (or some other twisted show on AS). Maybe Match I will come around with a lively and completely understandable "excuse". Or not...but either way, at least you sound like at least you'll be just fine.

Anonymous said...

And I didn't mean to say "at Least" twice in the last sentence...oh boy....I should have named my blog Anal Grammar.

Eliel said...

I'm of two minds on this: Being a business trip sometimes is not conducive to putting on one's "personal time" hat, which one would hope calling you would consist of. On the other hand, that could have been communicated to you in one of those messages.

As to your getting on to another, as the song says, "you're not a player, you just crush a lot..."

Determined said...

There's a book out that's called, "He's Just not into YOu" or some crap like that. The book says that if a man is really interested he will pursue the woman left and right. The book also advises women not to call men because if men are interested in them that they'll be doing most of the work. Yes it's sounds unfair, but that's the advise it gives women. Maybe she read the book.

Scott said...

Whatever you do, just keep cool. She might not be into you, and she might still be. That's the hard part. You have to sort of not care one way or the other, even though you do. You're doing the right thing by keeping your options open, but don't rule her out, and whatever you do, don't get mad about it either, or it will be over for sure.

Me said...

I hear you, everyone. Keep my options open for Match Girl-I. Be receptive to her if she contacts me again (which as of Sat morn, she has not).

Seriously, I love you guys for caring. I need y'all. I thank y'all. :-)