When I Need A Pick Me Up, by my friend Ryan King

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Here's Something I Didn't Know...

...you can reject another Match person without sending an e-mail or a form letter at all! Last night I saw that Match Girl III had been to my profile, and this morning under her picture on the "My Connections" page (where a collection of all the girls I'm interested in reside) it simply said "she's not interested" and then a clickie that said "Remove her". So I removed her.

*initiate coping mode*





I got nothin'



Ned Hodgson said...

The beautiful thing about rejection is that if it isn't truly personal, then it isn't truly rejection.

So you don't need anything, right?

Shades of Scorpio said...

think of it as going to Lenscrafters or the dollar store - you saved money. She could have had a great night on the town courtesy of Alan's good intentions. If she had seen that post of Match Girl I's date, she'd have been ALL over that!

I've always thought of it this way too - your time is holding you hostage right now from something you think you want, however, its really hanging onto you for that right person - when both circumstances align, like an eclipse. BAM!!! Aw, yeah.

Shoot. I can't wait for mines!!

It's all good. she's out there waiting too.

Determined said...

Ok! Lets go on to Match Girl IV. Lets do this, Alan, we can do it! (I'm holding a big sign up for you and I'm watching you play in the big stadium)

GrizzBabe said...

Keep your head up! You have a lot to offer another woman.

Scott said...

Yup, that's all part of it. Happens to everyone.