When I Need A Pick Me Up, by my friend Ryan King

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Back Onto The Bike

I found a profile on Match that knocked me over and I was compelled to send an e-mail. So here we go again. Everybody send your best thoughts my way for me and Match Girl III!


akakarma said...

Good luck to you!

Scott said...

Buenos suenos, amigo.

fringes said...

Hey, I found my old Match profile! Email me if you want to read it. Feel free to steal the funny stuff. Ha.

Good luck with the next pursuit!

Shades of Scorpio said...

Whoo hoo! Nothing like finding a possible treasure! You will, of course, keep us posted!

Vi said...

Sending positive thoughts!!!

Tera said...

Wow Alan! Good for you...good luck with this, you know they say the 3rd time is a charm :)